I decided to set this site up in Kim's memory, because as anyone who knew Kim and I, knew we were soulmates, and had been for many years. Things didn't always go smoothly, and like any couple we had ups and downs, rough times and times when things went well and good things happened. The good outweighed the bad, but we knew with Kim's illness that anything could (and often did) happen.
His sudden death was unexpected on my part, but I think he had an inkling, because we did many things together that we'd been saying we'd do for ages, in his last three months in this lifetime.
He and I always said that if anything happened to one of us, the other was to move on, because our life together was special, but we both realised that we couldn't live a life alone on our own, and neither of us wanted that to happen for the remaining one of us.
When I re-met James (we knew one another at school, same as Kim and I had done), and I know it wasn't long after Kim had died, but I'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason, and from things I've since learned, I believe Kim had a hand in my meeting James, and for him, for that, I'll always be grateful, because after meeting James, my life got back on track, and when Kim's Dad died, if it hadn't been for James in my life, I don't think I'd have coped with that as well as I have done.
I also know that Kim and his Dad are together, probably arguing about the ways of this world and the next on their clouds, but there for each other, like they were in this life too.
Thoughts on life after Kim...!
3rd October 2010